Monday, December 1, 2008

My Favorite Food

Fluency Exercise #6

To prepare my favorite food I usually use coconut, row bananas, mandioca leaves and peanuts. The first thing to do before starting is to get a coconut, then break it into two pieces so that you can get what is inside it. To remove what is in it you scrape it in a proper machine. After that you mix the scraped coconut with hot water so that it can release a kind of liquid that looks like milk. After that you keep the milk in a container. Then, peel the bananas and cut them in pieces. The mandioca is a tree only found in Africa. Cook the bananas in a pot together with mandioca leaves, peanuts and later on pour the coconut milk in the pot to mix with the bananas and peanuts. After all will have cooked, you can eat it.

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