Thursday, November 20, 2008

Fluency Exercise #7

The next Invention
Can you imagine the cities without carbon dioxide pollution? Thus, if you can imagine and believe, then we will soon have cars that will use water instead of fossil fuel. In addition, scientists are investigating other alternatives with the rinds of lemon and other citrus fruits to substitute for harmful chemicals like CFCs which deplete the ozone layer. These harmful chemicals not only deplete the ozone layer, they also harm our health. Therefore, I believe that we will soon enjoy clean air and breathe fresh air. Besides that, the ozone layer will stop being depleted; thus, fewer ultraviolet rays will heat the earth’s surface. Moreover, we will soon be able to go to the beach without having to apply strong products on the skin against ultraviolet rays. Thereby, the new cars that will use water and the rind of lemon and other citrus fruit will make a difference and make better changes in the world.

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