Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Loneness

Annas’ assign

There so many reasons for some people to like or feel like to be alone. The reasons may vary from one person to another. Some people are always alone because of their background. I have noticed that the majority of people who have lost one or both parents tend to be always alone. The other reason that can make people to be alone is their religion. As each religion has its own principles and what might be wrong to some religions might also be right in other religions. Thus, some people do not feel comfortable with people from a religion which is different from theirs. Financial conditions can also influence and make people to despise those have financial conditions different from theirs. As we all might know that many people judge others based on their financial states. Most of people who have a lot of money and are famous have many friends, thereby; making them always busy or accompanied by friends. The behavior also contributes to make some people to be alone. Most of the people do not like to be with a violent person, somebody who thinks that is better than others and with somebody who is too passive. Therefore, if the person has all these qualities will tend to be always alone. I like to be alone but not most of the times. Back in my country I used to go to the beach and spend time over there alone watching the wave seas’. It made me relax and think about myself and my plans. I think that we all need time for ourselves by ourselves. To be alone is not strange to me because behind any loneness there must be a reason for that.

1 comment:

Anna said...

I think it's interesting that you mentioned socio-economic factors going into this. That is a very good point.