Sunday, February 1, 2009

Things about my country

Ann’s Assign
I believe that many that most of American and some Europeans think that in Africa there is no modern buildings but only houses made of bungalow or huts which is not true. I remember that when my aunt was about to come back to Africa from England her friends asked her if she was sure about going back to her country in Africa, because she was to staying in a modern house. Besides that, some people believe that is very common to see lions, rhinos and elephants in the streets. That is why they think that is not a secure place to visit or to live. However, I think that they are right to believe in that because they have never been there, they only hear from others peoples’ comments. Many people in my country believe that all Americans have guns, but by the time I come I realized that it was not true. Is common to hear in my country that lions attacked a village, but these villages are those villages built near savannas and forests where most of lions live. One of the truths about Africans is that many Africans value their traditions and believe in ancestors. They like to do ceremonies to remember the dead believing that in the ceremonies day the dead will be there. Africa is full of nature and many places have not already been explored. However it does not mean that people and wild animals share the same places. It is an organized with modern buildings. Is a secure place where people walk freely in the streets. There are nice places where the majority of reach and some middle people live and there is also places for those who cannot afford to live in the reach’s’ places.

1 comment:

Anna said...

This was really interesting to read. I know that many Americans do think those things about Africa. I remember the first time that I saw a picture of Narobi in Kenya, some people were in awe! (It is a cool looking city though).
I don't know why all internationals think every American owns a gun...that must be in movies or something?