Monday, February 23, 2009

My fears and anxious

Ann’s Assign
I had so many things that made nervous and also anxious at times. I’ m usually anxious about things that have to do with my education. For instance, before I wrote my A levels exams I used to be very anxious although I was a little confident. One of the things that made me to behave land think like that is my parents. My parents are very strict and most of the times they do not tolerate mistakes. Is still remembering when I was in primary school. I whenever I could understand anything I could ask my father. Before I asked the questions so that he would help me. He used to first ask me why it that you do not know is. Then after answering the question he would use a piece of wood to beat me. He used to teach me while I’m crying. In addition, to that whenever I could score a low score he I had no right to have new cloths and whatever I liked to play with. What makes me nervous I to be in a new place. A place where I had never been. I’m used to be with sisters, brothers, cousins, untie uncle and my friends. However, a new place makes me nervous, because I know that I will be alone most of the times. Besides that, to be in a different culture from yours is really difficult. Most of the times you might think that you are doing the right or good things to people while you are hurt them. At times you do not know what to say or things to in the right moment. Thereby, being with people from different cultures from mine is difficult and makes very nervous.

1 comment:

Anna said...

Both of those things are ver stressful. Your parents sound very strict! Wow.